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This Christ-Centered Christmas Countdown Book will help you focus on Christ each day with a picture, scripture, hymn, and video each day.

Simple Christmas Countdown Tradition

Christ-Centered Christmas Countdown Book

This Christ-Centered Christmas Countdown Book will help you focus on Christ each day with a picture, scripture, hymn, and video each day.

Do you have Christmas traditions either from your childhood, or new ideas you have started with your own family that you hope will stay with them forever? I want to share with you my absolute favorite tradition that my family and I look forward to every year.

When our kids were little, I loved looking at all the advent calendars, countdowns, and crafts that were available. When it came to finding an advent calendar for my own family, I couldn’t find one that seemed to suit my needs just right. So, I spent countless hours creating this Christ-Centered Advent to share with my family year after year. Now it is one of our most looked forward to traditions each Christmas season! I am excited to share this with you and hope it will become a treasure for your family as much as it is for mine.

Get your Christmas Countdown Book here!

This Christ-Centered Christmas Countdown Book will help you focus on Christ each day with a scripture, hymn, and video each day.

Christ-Centered Christmas Advent

Originally, I had seen a book similar to this idea on Pinterest. It was so long ago the link doesn’t work anymore and the website is non-existent. I loved what I saw and wanted to make a book that would suit the needs of our family even better.

I loved how the book focused on a different part of the Savior’s life each day during December. With all the Santa Christmas movies and toy ads in the mail, I wanted a tradition that would help us remember Christ and the true meaning behind Christmas every day.

If an entire book seems a little much for your family, I have also simplified this down to 25 Christmas Advent Cards that can be displayed with all the same information as in the book!

These Christ-Centered Christmas Advent Cards will help you focus on Christ each day with a scripture, hymn, and video each day.

Christ-Centered Christmas Advent Book

We printed out all the scriptures and lyrics to the hymns, along with a picture for each day so we can easily pass the book around for everyone to read off of. You can get a copy of that here if you would like to print one out for yourself so you don’t have to look up each individual hymn and scripture every night.

These Christ-Centered Christmas Advent Cards will help you focus on Christ each day with a scripture, hymn, and video each day.


Each day focuses on a different part of the Savior’s life. These events include his birth, teaching in the temple, his baptism, the miracles he performed, his death and resurrection, and the promise of his return again someday. These scriptures can all be found on under “Scriptures“.

These Christ-Centered Christmas Advent Cards will help you focus on Christ each day with a scripture, hymn, and video each day.


A hymn or song from the Children’s Songbook is included each day. These songs help further teach the principles presented for the day. We will either sing the songs a cappella, or sing along with a recording. Through this website, you can print all the sheet music for free if you don’t own a hymnbook. The song is the part my kids look forward to the most!


Each day includes a video. These videos are mostly from the Bible Video collection. Some are other videos created by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have tried to be as descriptive as I can in the title to help you best find the videos just by searching on YouTube.

How to Use the Christmas Advent Book

I like to keep things as simple as possible. We printed the pages and slipped them into sheet protectors so it would last over the years with all sorts of little hands flipping through the pages.


I took all the pictures from the website These pictures are all available free on their website to print. Because I am charging for my product, and I cannot sell these pictures, I have included the link to each picture right here for you, so you can individually print them for your own Christmas Countdown Book.

The Savior by Jon McNaughton
Samuel the Lamanite on the Wall (Samuel the Lamanite Prophesies) by Arnold Friberg
The Annunciation: The Angel Gabriel Appears to Mary (The Annunciation) by John Scott
Life of Jesus Christ: Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth
Road to Bethlehem by Joseph Brickey
The Nativity by Ted Henninger
The Announcement of Christ’s Birth to the Shepherds by Del Parson
Good Tidings of Great Joy (The Angel Appears to the Shepherds) by Walter Rane
Life of Jesus Christ: Wise Men Seek Jesus
Life of Jesus Christ: Christ Presented to Simeon at the Temple
Boy Jesus in the Temple (Christ in the Temple) by Heinrich Hofmann
John the Baptist Baptizing Jesus (John Baptizing Jesus)
Calling of the Fishermen (Christ Calling Peter and Andrew) by Harry Anderson
Stilling the Storm by Ted Henninger
Jesus Feeds the 5,000
Life of Jesus Christ: Miracles-Dead Raised (Lazarus)
Christ and the Children (Christ with the Children) by Harry Anderson
The Sermon on the Mount by Harry Anderson
In Remembrance of Me by Walter Rane
Jesus Praying in Gethsemane (Christ in Gethsemane) by Harry Anderson
The Crucifixion by Harry Anderson
Jesus Shows His Wounds (Behold My Hands and Feet) by Harry Anderson
Jesus Teaching in the Western Hemisphere (Jesus Christ Visits the Americas) by John Scott
The Second Coming by Harry Anderson
Jesus at the Door (Jesus Knocking at the Door) by Del Parson

Christmas Countdown Book

You can get a copy of all the pages to print out for your own Christmas Countdown Book here!

For our family, this is a tradition we do each night as we are winding down for bed. We like to sit together in the glow of the Christmas lights and leave the night with a reverent tone. It not only helps calm us after the business of the day, but also serves as a great time for reflection on the reason for the Christmas season.

This Christ-Centered Christmas Countdown Book will help you focus on Christ each day with a scripture, hymn, and video each day.

I really hope this is a new tradition you can add to your family!

What traditions do you have to help you remember Christ at Christmas time?

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